]> Parque Nacional de Doñana - ALLCARAVAN

CategoriesNational ParksParque Nacional de Doñana

Parque Nacional de Doñana

Parque Nacional de Doñana

The National Park of Doñana is a Biosphere Reserve, a Special Protection Area for Birds and has been recognised as a World Heritage for Humanity. It is located on the South-East of the province of Huelva and beside the river Guadalquivir. It includes the main wetlands in Europe.

The central areas of the Park are basically reserves, soft undulations and large dunes forming the most plastic and impressive lanscape of the Park.

The almost virgin large beach between Maltalascañas and the mouth of the river Guadalquivir feeds with its sands the numerous trains of alive dunes.

In the vicinity of the Park, one can find different town of cultural interest, such as Almonte, Aldea del Rocío and Sanlúcar de Barrameda.
Agua, Luz y Color

Parque Nacional de Doñana

En Todo Terreno recorreremos este parque observando en todo momento y con detalle su enorme variedad de aves y fauna en general, visitando algunos de sus centros de interpretación como el de El Acebuche, El Acebrón y La Rocina. Visitaremos las marismas de El Rocío y las dunas móviles de Matalascañas.